State Alignment

New Hampshire

Teach & Kids Learn (TKL) is a Qualified Service Provider for General Education and Training approved in the State of New Hampshire for grades K-12. We are pleased to provide our comprehensive online courses for educators within the State of New Hampshire. Each course is directly aligned to the State Standards and Danielson Teaching Frameworks.


New Hampshire teachers employed in a non-public or charter school without a Professional Development Master Plan must complete a minimum of 75 continuing education hours: 30 hours for each specific endorsement area held and 45 hours aligned with the Professional Education Requirements (Ed 505.07) within the three-year period prior to the renewal application date.

The DOE Educator Renewal Memo below includes information for who needs to complete a DOE Educator Renewal, online and paper renewal instructions, professional development requirements, and examples of activities. Professional development must occur within the 3-year period prior to your application date.

DOE Educator Renewal Memo Acrobat Reader

Educators under the Professional Development Master Plan applying for renewal of their credentials must have the approval of the local superintendent, district administrator, or nonpublic school administrator for the successful completion of the educator’s individual professional development plan.

For more information, visit the New Hampshire Department of Education website.