State Alignment


Earn Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Points toward your Indiana License Renewal with our online self-paced professional development courses.


Approved renewal coursework may include education courses and/or courses taken in one or more areas on the teaching license. Courses used for license renewal must be from a regionally accredited institution and must have been earned after the issue date of the license you are trying to renew. Renewal courses earned out of state do not need to be pre-approved as long as you earn the coursework in professional education or in one or more of the licensing areas. Renewal coursework may be either at a graduate or at an undergraduate level. However, if you hold an administrative license or a school services personnel license, graduate coursework is strongly encouraged.

  • State Re-Certification Clock Hours Option- For each course completed, you will earn 45 Continuing Education Clock Hours toward the 90 PGP Points needed for the renewal of your Indiana Teaching Certificate. You can now register for our courses at any time. When you register for one of our self-paced courses you will have up to 4 months from the date of registration to complete your course. Since these courses are completely self-paced the amount of time to complete it will be dependent on how much time you put into it on a regular basis. Most teachers are able to finish their course within a 4-week period.
  • Graduate Credits Option: Teach & Kids Learn (TKL) provides accredited university graduate credits courses. We provide official transcripts. and letter grades upon the successful completion of your selected course. When selecting your course, choose any of our Graduate Credit level courses from our registration page.

Download TKL Teacher Course Approval Request Form: We always recommend that you follow any pre-approval requirements in your district before you register for courses. However, many teachers have been successful using our courses to obtain the PGP Points needed for the renewal of their Indiana Teaching Certificate—and have typically been able to use our university/college-level course offerings.

Please contact us if you need assistance with the submission of your district approval forms, course syllabus, etc.

State Requirements:

A Professional Growth Plan (PGP) is one method to renew a professional educator license. A PGP is the record of one’s professional growth/development. In addition to classroom responsibilities, educators attend conferences and workshops, participate in committee work and school improvement plans, as well as take coursework to remain current on educational reforms and trends. Many of these activities can be included in one’s PGP.

Each successfully completed course is equivalent to 45 PGP Points.

A 90-point PGP is required for the following:

  1. Renewal of a five (5) or ten (10) year professional educator license.
  2. Renewal of a two (2) year (Initial Practitioner /IP) license for a 3rd time.
  3. A 40 point PGP is required for converting a two (2) year (Initial Practitioner /IP) license to a five (5) year (Practitioner/P) license.
  4. A 36 point PGP is required for Educational Interpreters. For information on a PGPEI, go to

PGP Points must be obtained from the issue date of the license being renewed. For the third (3rd) renewal of an IP (two years) license, the PGP points may be obtained from the issue date of the Original IP license.

There are three (3) types of Professional Growth Plans.

License Types

  1. Initial Practitioner’s license or 2-year license – The Initial Practitioner license can be renewed twice. Before a third renewal, instructional license holders must submit a 90-point PGP or take a test. School Service or Administrators can only use the PGP option to start the cycle over again.
  2. Proficient Practitioner’s or 5-year license – Renewable with 6 hours of coursework, a 90 PGP or National Board Certification.
  3. Accomplished Practitioner’s License or 10-year license – Once you have established a 10-year license, it will now renew automatically for another 10-year term. It can be renewed with coursework, a 90-point PGP or National Board Certification.

For more information, visit the Indiana Department of Education website.