Palmer Park Preparatory Academy & Durand Middle School Awarded the TKL / MECS Online PD Grant for Professional Development
We are pleased to announce that two Michigan Schools: Palmer Park Preparatory Academy (Detroit, MI) & Durand Middle School (Durand, MI), have been awarded the Online Professional Development Grant provided by Teach n’ Kids Learn (TKL) & Midwest Educational Consulting Services (MECS). Each school will receive a package of 30 MDE-approved comprehensive online PD courses or the equivalent to $5,000 in an effort to support their School Improvement Plans.
Asked about the first school selected, Jodi Slonaker, Director of TKL Operations, said that: “We are excited to help Palmer Park and Durand teachers in the manner that we have been helping educators since 2009: with comprehensive professional development focused on identifying the fundamental factors needed within today’s classroom instruction. Our extensive professional development experience has led us to the development of easy-to-use comprehensive online courses which are accessible for teachers as time permits in their busy schedules.”
Michigan was the first of the three states considered for the online PD grants offered by Teach n’ Kids Learn. TKL will be awarding additional professional development grants targeting School Improvement Plans in Ohio, and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). This grant program, developed by TKL, aims to provide schools the opportunity to accomplish their Professional Development requirements. Laura Frelich, School Counselor for Durand Middle School said: “Since the focus of our SIP goal is to help students become proficient in multiple areas on the state assessment, we feel that many of the courses in the MECS course catalog fall directly in line with that goal.”
In addition, it will give teachers the chance of experiencing the difference in how a quality comprehensive online professional development program can support teachers with their overall professional growth. Teach n’ Kids Learn growing course catalog offers engaging and transformative coursework for teachers. Over 85% of teachers who have taken our courses report to have had a positive and beneficial experience. This is the value Larry Key, Lead Teacher for Palmer Park Preparatory Academy sees in winning this grant: “Courses that the Palmer Park Preparatory Academy staff will enroll in, will enhance the academic learning and help accomplish the goal of all students becoming proficient in reading.”
Slonaker explains that “TKL’s supportive process guides teachers in continuously fine-tuning their knowledge and skills. We work with teachers to achieve their professional goals as well as meet the demands of today’s students. We want to give teachers the opportunity to do this effectively through our growing Individualized, Reflective, and Transformative online course offerings.”
The Professional Development grant applications for Ohio and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), should be submitted no later than January 29, 2016.
To review the application process please visit us at
About TKL
TKL is a dynamic and innovative professional development provider. Since 2009, our products and services have focused on combining job-embedded professional development practices within our online, blended, and face-to-face offerings. Our services and products are built on: an integrated foundation of research, an experiential job-embedded approach, interactive content, and with a sharp focus on today’s learners.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for continuous professional growth to educators across the world. We share the desire to ensure all students meet high academic standards while learning the practical skills necessary for the 21st century.
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For More Information, contact:
Teach n’ Kids Learn (TKL)
Jodi Slonaker / [email protected]
(855) 498-4400